Artery of the Colliculi of the Roof of the Midbrain Anterior (A. Collicularis Anterior)

Artery of the colliculi of the roof of the midbrain Anterior


The anterior colliculus artery is a vessel located in the cranial cavity and supplies blood to the area between the brain stem and the colliculi of the midbrain. It is also called the pontine artery.

It is a branch of the internal carotid artery. It begins in the sinus of the dura mater at the level of the foramen magnum. This arterial portion near the foramen magnum is called the sphenoid or sphenotympanic. The left artery continues upward, crossing the lower base of the skull in front through the great

The artery of the anterior collicularis roof of the midbrain (lat. a. collicularis anteriōris) is the anterior branch of the superior cerebral artery, which supplies blood to the superior colliculus, tegmentum and optic tubercle of the brain.

The colliculic artery is a branch of the middle cerebral artery and is about 3 cm long. It arises from the superior end of the middle cerebral artery in the upper part of the lateral ventricle, where it joins the anterior communicating artery and passes through the roof of the midbrain. The artery then passes through the optic thalamus and enters the tegmentum, where it branches into many small branches that supply blood to the superior colliculus and the tegmentum of the midbrain.

The anterior colliculus artery is important for the normal functioning of the brain, as it supplies blood to neurons responsible for vision, hearing and coordination of movements. Disruption of the blood supply to this artery can lead to various diseases, such as glaucoma, visual and hearing impairment, as well as impaired coordination of movements.

To treat diseases associated with impaired blood supply to the anterior colliculus artery, various methods are used, such as surgery, radiation therapy and drug therapy. One of the most effective treatment methods is artery stenting, which allows you to restore its patency and improve blood supply to the brain.