Artery Frontal Medial

The frontal medial artery - a (frontalis medialis) is a paired ascending vessel that supplies blood to the skin of the forehead and upper part of the face.

Structure: The frontal lateral artery branches immediately after leaving the sinus in the upper corner of the orbit and, meandering along the anterior surface of the frontal bone, enters the middle third of the forehead at the level of the outer edge of the orbit. The middle frontal artery - right and left - arises from the upper ends of the internal carotid artery, just below the transverse process of the atlas. The right artery emerges in front of the base of the occipital bone, the left one directly above the foramen magnum, and enters the thickness of the muscles of the head at the border of the frontal and parietal regions. From the superior epigastric artery (a. epigastrica superior), the frontal arteries arise in two fans: the anterior fan goes forward and ends with the frontal interventricular branches; the posterior fan branches in the skin of the outer occiput. Tributaries: facial vein, occipital artery, terminal branch - frontoparietal vein.