Artery Facial Deep

The deep facial artery (a. facialis profunda) is an important vessel that provides blood supply to the face. It is one of the branches of the external carotid artery and runs along the facial nerve.

The deep facial artery begins in the neck, where it arises from the external carotid artery. From there it passes through the deep layers of the facial muscles, providing them with blood supply. Further, the deep facial artery goes up through the infraorbital region, where it branches into small vessels that provide blood supply to the facial tissues.

The deep facial artery is important for plastic surgery and cosmetology procedures. It plays a key role in maintaining blood supply to facial tissues, which allows surgeons to perform various operations with minimal risk of complications.

Despite the fact that the deep facial artery is a small vessel, its role in providing blood supply to the face cannot be underestimated. Thanks to its function, we can maintain the health and beauty of facial skin and carry out various procedures with minimal risk of complications.