Tarsal Ligaments Deep

The tarsal ligaments are a group of ligaments that connect the bones of the foot to the bones of the lower leg. They play an important role in maintaining the body's stability and balance when walking and running.

The tarsal ligaments are divided into two groups: superficial and deep. Superficial ligaments are located on the outside of the foot and include the plantar ligament, calcaneonavicular ligament, and talofibular ligament. The deep ligaments are located inside the foot and include the talocaleonavicular-cuneiform ligament, cuneiform ligament, and deltoid ligament.

The deep tarsal ligaments play an important role in maintaining foot stability and preventing foot migration. They also help form the arch of the foot, which provides shock absorption when walking and running. If the deep tarsal ligaments are damaged, pain and dysfunction of the foot may occur.

To prevent damage to the tarsal ligaments, it is recommended to follow the correct walking and running technique, as well as use suitable shoes and orthotics. If you notice any symptoms of tarsal ligament injury, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.