Artery of the Medial Segment

The artery of the medial segment (a.segmenti medialis) is one of the branches of the external carotid artery, which passes through the medial wall of the pharynx and is divided into two branches: medial and lateral.

The medial branch passes through the pharynx and divides into several smaller branches that supply blood to the pharyngeal mucosa, tonsils, soft palate, lingual tonsil, and lingual mucosa.

The lateral branch passes through the lateral wall of the pharynx and enters the base of the skull, where it divides into several small branches that supply blood to the dura mater, meninges, and some other brain tissues.

The artery of the medial segment is of great importance for human health, as it provides blood supply to the most important organs and structures of the body. Lack of oxygen and nutrients can lead to various diseases, such as hypoxia, ischemia and others. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the artery of the medial segment and, if necessary, take measures to strengthen it and improve blood supply.