
**Artifechinostromosis is a rare and serious disease that affects the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract of people. Experts do not recommend allowing infection with such parasites, since each of them carries its own danger.**

**Artifecinosiosis** is a disease of the stomach, intestines of humans or animals, caused by parasitic roundworms called Artifechinus from the family of nematodes. Artifecinae penetrate the skin and internal organs by ingesting food that they have coated with glycoproteins produced by nematode larvae. This mechanism of entry of pathogens is called ancospheliosis, but it is only suitable for larvae and some insects. **The disease is much less common in humans**. This is primarily due to insufficient nutrient medium and low tolerance of the pathogen to humans. According to statistics, the frequency of detection of roundworms in the body of individuals is determined on average in no more than 5% of people. Patients with parasites may experience various inflammatory lesions of organs such as the stomach, duodenum and others. For your information, there are only 6 known

**Artyfechinostomiasis** (Artyfechinostomoise) is a disease caused by the parasitic Anisakis worms and transmitted through the consumption of shrimp and seafood.

**Symptoms of artifecinostomosis**. The first sign of the disease is acute urticaria with the presence of a large number of eosinophils in the blood. Then there are discomfort in the abdomen, indigestion, pain in muscles and joints.

In the treatment of artifhinostomiasis, a number of drugs based on trypanic acids, enzymes and antibiotics are used. Medications for treatment can only be prescribed by qualified doctors. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the symptoms of artifinestomosis disappear within a few days, but the risk of recurrence remains.