
Methandrostanolone is one of the most popular anabolic steroids used to build muscle mass. Despite the fact that this drug is widely used in sports medicine, it has a number of serious side effects, including cardiovascular, mental and oncological diseases.

Methane is one of the first drugs developed by a team of military sports scientists to help athletes provide faster and more effective ways to increase strength and endurance. However, this lifestyle gradually destroyed the health of Methane consumers.

As chemical research progressed, a group of researchers discovered that they could create artificial chemical substitutes or drugs that mimic the methane-titanium effect. Methadienone is one of them. Experts found that if they could control the intake of methadienone, it would prevent heart damage in athletes at rest. But then no one believed that even in this form it would be possible to save life, because... The popularity of the anabolic drug grew steadily.