
Vago belongs to the parasympathetic nervous system and regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and bronchi.

A chain of neurons is involved in the mechanism of the vagal reflex.

The first neuron is represented by afferent fibers of the MCN nerve from the receptors of the stomach and intestines. The second neuron is a septal neuron in the midbrain, the excitation of which leads to the appearance of an impulse in the motor nucleus of the vagus.

The third is the descending neuron, which is the main vagal neuron. These last two neurons are located in the lateral horns of the spinal cord, and their fibers connect the nerve centers of the gastrointestinal tract with the abdominal organs. With a decrease in the activity of the segmental center, the activity of all centers with the preganglionic part of the lateral horns C7 - Th1 is suppressed, which leads to the suppression of all vagal reflexes, with the exception of the pylorobulbar reflex.

Pylorospasm is the most common vagal reflex. Pylorospasm condition occurs due to increased tone of the pyloric part of the stomach, or due to severe spasm of the duodenum, which suppress blood flow to the stomach and intestines.

The cause of the spasm may be a violation of innervation, an allergic reaction,

- this is the nickname of the vagus translated from Latin - this is the vagus nerve. It has a specific anatomy and is located in the chest and abdominal cavities, in the head cavity. This organ that controls a huge number of functions in the human body! Thanks to it, we can eat, talk, breathe and even pee in the toilet. The vagus nerve ending permeates the entire central nervous system: brain structures and spinal cord. It has a considerable number of receptors in the area of ​​the esophagus, stomach and intestines, the respiratory system: lungs, larynx, trachea, bronchi and diaphragm. In addition, the functioning of the heart, as well as the liver, kidneys, urinary and bile ducts, organs of the excretory and reproductive systems depends on it. However, in ancient times people had little knowledge about certain systems and functions of the body. Therefore, vagus among the ancient Greeks meant love, sympathy, benevolence, life. It was believed that this nerve is a kind of connecting link between the soul and the outside world, with the help of which the spirit leaves the mortal body to visit different worlds. And threads are stretched from it to every cell of the body. One of the interpretations from the Old Russian language “vago” is translated as “tambourine”. But now we know why - “vago” in the sense: “to amuse, delight