
A tenotome is a special instrument for surgical dissection of the mucous membrane of the skull bones or skin. Most often, the device is used to realign a displaced bone. Sometimes included in the medical kit tool kit and purchased as a kit. In addition to such cases, tenotom can be useful in a number of other situations, including plastic surgery. At the same time, you should take into account some features of using this tool, like any other similar one.

It has been used for a long time and is used in almost all countries of the world. It is made of steel or titanium, it comes in different sizes (from 4 cm), and there are reusable ones. There is no need to be afraid when using it. The tool is absolutely safe and does not cause pain. But, as a rule, it is used under local anesthesia. Overall, this is a great tool. It removes the tibium plate painlessly. This occurs by treating the bones with a bone solution.