Epilepsy Abdominal

How often do we face health problems? More than half of the population of our country has had to encounter at least one of them in their lives. But only in a small part of the population the diagnosis is considered incurable - epilepsy. This is one of the forms of mental disorders, manifested by repeated attacks of impaired consciousness of varying degrees, the causes of which are excessive

Epilepsy of the abdomen or "Moura syndrome"

Epilepsy is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of the nervous system. It manifests itself in attacks of convulsions, which can occur either spontaneously or as a result of dysfunction of the brain or other organs. Epilepsy can be diagnosed by a number of symptoms such as loss of consciousness, increased muscle tension, etc. But there is another form of epilepsy - the abdominal variant (e. Abdominalis). This is a rare form of seizure that occurs in patients suffering from various diseases of the nervous system, but most often epilepsy, parkinsonism and other disorders. It is better known for abdominal muras syndrome (Muras), which has a special name from the Greek “miros” - wool. It is considered the most common and harmless epileptic condition. The disease manifests itself as attacks of convulsions mainly in the abdomen and chest, however