
I'll be glad to help! Here are some ideas for an article on isoenzymes:

Isoenzymes: Principles of action in the human body.


Isoenzymes (also known as “isomerases”) are a group of enzymes that catalyze chemical reactions in organisms. They have a similar structure but differ in function and the reaction they catalyze. In this article we will look at the basic principles of the action of isoenzymes, as well as their importance in the process of biochemical reactions.

Chapter 1: What is isoenzymomy?

1.1 History of the discovery of iso-enzymes: Discovered by Russian scientists Nikolai Kinetika and Gleb Zalensky, who in 1935 discovered that liver bile contains two types of enzymes - α- and β-amylase. They varied in their activity, resistance to heat, and sensitivity to various chemical compounds. These differences suggested the presence