Articulation of Teeth

Articulation of teeth is the spatial relationship of teeth and jaws during movements of the lower jaw. This is an important factor that affects the health of teeth and gums.

When biting, chewing and swallowing, the lower jaw makes various movements that lead to the articulation of the teeth. When we eat solid foods such as meat, nuts or vegetables, our jaw must move up and down to crush and grind the food. During the chewing process, we must move the jaw from side to side to distribute the load on the teeth.

Teeth articulation is also important in speech. When we speak, our jaw moves from side to side and up and down. This allows us to pronounce sounds and words, as well as control volume and intonation.

However, if the articulation of teeth is impaired, it can lead to various problems. For example, poor articulation can lead to tooth wear, gum inflammation, and even tooth loss. In addition, improper articulation of teeth can lead to problems with hearing and voice.

To avoid teeth articulation problems, you need to watch your diet and visit your dentist regularly to check the health of your teeth and gums. You can also use special exercises to improve your teeth's articulation, such as chewing gum or eating hard fruits and vegetables.

Why is dental articulation necessary? Articulation is a complex system; in order to perform such a movement, it is necessary to involve not only the teeth, but also the facial muscles, chewing muscles, and the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck. This occurs only when the teeth, interdental spaces between teeth and tubercles are completely worn out