Arthritis Menopausal

Menopausal arthropathy

Climacteric arthropathy (CAP) is painful inflammation or degeneration of joints and surrounding tissues during perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopause. SAD has many manifestations, from bone and muscle pain to mild swelling and deformities. Some symptoms and manifestations may resemble rheumatoid arthritis. The main diagnostic test is the serum osteocalcin level. Biochemical and histological examination of urine also plays an important role.

Treatment of gouty spondylitis includes eliminating provoking factors (weight gain, excess alcohol), reducing the level of uric acid or its complete elimination, and preventing stone formation. Therapy is prescribed by a therapist or local doctor as needed. Treatment is carried out by a rheumatologist if conservative therapy is ineffective.

The use of calcium supplements, as well as drugs for various diseases and additional symptoms, are the main methods of treatment