Ligament Radiocarpal Dorsal

The dorsal radiocarpal ligament is a group of ligaments that connect the radius bone to the dorsum of the wrist. It is composed of several ligaments, including the radial collateral ligament, radial collateral ligament, and interosseous membrane.

The dorsal carpal ligament is an important part of the hand and wrist as it provides stability and support to these areas. It also plays a role in wrist and hand movement, assisting in flexion and extension as well as rotation of the wrist.

When injured, sprained, or otherwise damaged, the dorsal wrist ligaments can cause pain, swelling, and limited mobility. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

To strengthen this ligament, you can use various exercises such as stretching, strengthening the muscles of the forearm and hand. It is also important to monitor your posture and properly distribute the load on your wrist when performing physical activity.

Ligament of the dorsal wrist - l. radiocalpaeum dorsale. The largest and strongest among the other ligaments of the wrist joint. It connects the hand and the long process of the radius. Function: the strength of the joint in the body. Forms the dorsum of the wrist. The dorsal radiocarpal ligament is covered by the radial joint capsule and skin, and is attached to the two pisiform processes of the radius, the coracoid process of the ulna and the upper edge of the radial bone of the wrist. Attachment of the wrist ligament. back to palm. the surface of the middle row of the wrist is carried out by the abductor pollicis muscle. In case of damage to the radioligament