
Arthropneumography (arthropneumography) is a radiography method that allows you to visualize the movement of joints and muscles, as well as evaluate their functionality. This method is used to diagnose various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as arthritis, arthrosis, injuries and other joint disorders.

Arthropneumography is performed by injecting a contrast agent into a joint or muscle, after which a series of x-rays are taken. The contrast agent allows you to see the movement of a joint or muscle, as well as determine its shape and size. In addition, this method allows you to assess the condition of cartilage tissue and ligaments, which can help in diagnosing arthrosis or other joint diseases.

The advantages of arthropneumography include high diagnostic accuracy, the ability to assess the dynamics of the disease, and a minimal risk of complications. However, like any other diagnostic method, arthropneumography has its limitations, such as the need to use a contrast agent and the high cost of the procedure.

In general, arthropneumography is an important method for diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which allows you to obtain a more complete picture of the disease and choose the most effective method of treatment.

Arthropneumography (APP) is a technique for x-ray examination of the condition of soft tissues and joints, that is, tissues located between the bones of the body. Its direct purpose is to determine the presence or absence of a particular pathology. In this case, the results are assessed simultaneously in two directions. The accuracy of diagnosing diseases involving not only the osteoarticular apparatus, but also soft tissues in the pathological process is brought to the fore. The second priority is monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment and predicting the patient’s condition.

Such diseases include, for example:

Arthrosis and arthritis (arthritis and arthrosis) with damage to the periarticular area. It is diagnosed by identifying signs of osteosclerosis or osteoporosis, osteophytes,