
Ascariasis (Ascariasis) is a disease caused by the parasitic invasion of the roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) into the human body. Roundworms are the most common helminths that infect humans. They can reach lengths of up to 40 cm and live in the human intestines.

Ascariasis infection occurs through consumption of food or water contaminated with roundworm eggs. Worm eggs can remain viable in the soil for a long time, so people who work in agriculture or deal with soil are at risk.

Adult roundworms that live in the intestines can cause a variety of symptoms in humans, such as abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, appendicitis and even peritonitis. Large accumulations of roundworms can lead to the development of intestinal obstruction, which is a serious complication.

However, not only the intestines suffer from ascariasis. Migrating roundworm larvae can enter the lungs, often leading to the development of pneumonia. This occurs when the larvae hatch from eggs in the intestines, enter the bloodstream and then enter the lungs through capillaries. In the lungs, they cause inflammation and cough with the discharge of sputum containing larvae.

Ascariasis often occurs in areas where sanitation is poor and there is no access to clean water. In countries with low levels of hygiene and sanitation, the disease is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality.

Antihelminthic drugs such as piperazine are used to treat ascariasis. However, an important aspect is also the prevention of the disease, which consists of observing personal hygiene rules, drinking only clean water and food, as well as thoroughly processing products before consumption.

Thus, ascariasis is a serious disease caused by the parasitic invasion of the Ascaris worm into the human body. It is important to practice good hygiene and preventive measures to prevent infection and stay healthy.

Ascariasis (Ascariasis) is a dangerous disease caused by a parasitic infestation of the worm - roundworm. Roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides) are large roundworms that parasitize the human intestine. Roundworm infection is one of the most common helminthiasis in the world, especially in developing countries.

Ascariasis is transmitted through the consumption of food and water contaminated with ascaris eggs. Worm eggs can survive in soil for up to 10 years, so the disease is especially common in areas with poor sanitation.

Once roundworm eggs enter the intestines, they hatch and release larvae, which enter the bloodstream and are carried to the lungs. After this, the larvae enter the bronchi, causing coughing and difficulty breathing. The larvae are then swallowed and return to the intestines, where they grow into adult worms.

Large accumulations of roundworms in the intestines can lead to intestinal obstruction, which may require surgical intervention. Adult roundworms can also cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, appendicitis and even peritonitis.

To diagnose ascariasis, a stool test for ascaris eggs is used. Ascariasis is treated with anthelmintic drugs such as piperazine. When infected with roundworms, it is also necessary to take measures to prevent re-infection, including maintaining good personal hygiene and drinking only clean food and water.

Thus, ascariasis is a serious disease that can lead to serious complications if it is not promptly diagnosed and treated. It is important to practice good hygiene and drink only clean food and water, especially in areas with poor sanitation, to prevent roundworm infection.

Ascariasis is a disease caused by the invasion of parasitic worms known as roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides) into the human body. These worms live in the intestines and can cause a variety of symptoms and complications associated with their presence.

Adult roundworms are large parasites, capable of reaching lengths of up to 30 centimeters. They feed on food that enters the intestines and can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, leading to the development of various symptoms. People infected with ascariasis may experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea. In some cases, the accumulation of roundworms can cause intestinal obstruction, which requires urgent medical attention. In addition, migrating roundworm larvae can enter the lungs through the circulatory system, which can cause the development of pneumonia.

Ascariasis is especially common in areas with poor sanitation, where hygiene and sanitation are poorly controlled. This may be due to improper purification of drinking water, the use of low-quality fertilizer, as well as improper processing of food. In such conditions, roundworm eggs may be found in the soil or on the surface of objects that may be contaminated with feces from infected people. Through direct contact with such objects or consumption of contaminated food or water, a person can become infected with roundworms.

The diagnosis of ascariasis is usually made based on clinical symptoms and stool analysis for the presence of roundworm eggs. Treatment for ascariasis involves the use of anthelmintic drugs such as piperazine, which can remove parasites from the human body. For uncomplicated cases of ascariasis, treatment is usually quite effective, but in cases of complications or intestinal obstruction, surgery may be required.

In general, preventing ascariasis involves practicing basic hygiene, including washing your hands regularly with soap, especially before eating, and drinking only clean drinking water. You should also avoid contact with contaminated soil and food that is at risk of roundworm contamination.

In conclusion, Ascariasis is a disease caused by the infestation of parasitic worms known as roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides) in the human body. They primarily live in the intestines, but can also migrate to the lungs, causing various symptoms and complications.

The main symptoms of ascariasis include abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea and appendicitis. With a large accumulation of roundworms, intestinal obstruction may occur, which requires medical intervention. In addition, migrating roundworm larvae that enter the lungs can cause pneumonia.

Ascariasis is especially common in areas with poor sanitation, where hygiene and sanitation are poorly controlled. A person can become infected by consuming contaminated food or water, or through direct contact with contaminated soil.

To diagnose ascariasis, clinical examinations and stool tests for the presence of ascaris eggs are performed. Treatment includes the use of deworming medications such as piperazine, which help clear parasites from the body.

Prevention of ascariasis includes ensuring good sanitation, such as proper purification of drinking water, improved sanitation and hygiene. It is also important to practice good hygiene, especially before eating, and avoid contact with contaminated soil.

In general, ascariasis is a disease associated with unfavorable sanitary conditions, and its prevention is based on improved hygiene and sanitation. Timely diagnosis and treatment of ascariasis play an important role in preventing complications and reducing the spread of this disease.