
Aspergillus, or aspergiloma as it is also called, is an inflammatory process caused by microscopic fungi of the Aspergillaceae family. A feature of this disease is its long period of latent course, which is due to the ability of this fungus to colonize the tissues of the human body. Clinically, Aspergillus makes itself felt by the development of mycotic granulomas in the lungs. Mycotic granulomas can enlarge and spread to surrounding tissues. Complications of the disease are detected by the sinuses and bones. The structures of the cardiovascular system, nervous system and ocular apparatus are affected. When infected with Aspergillus, damage to the skin and mucous membranes, as well as the kidneys and genitals is possible.

Aspergillosis or Aspergillosis is a disease caused by a pathogenic fungus of the genus Aspergillus. This fungus is a common inhabitant of the air and soil and is not dangerous to humans until the immune system fails. But a person will no longer be able to help him, because the fungus has already taken root, grown into mycelium and formed many small, round, dense nodules, enveloped in a multilayered granule of foreign tissue. And all this grows from within. This is how Asperchillomas is formed

In other words, it's fungoid cancer.

**Aspergilloma** is a chronic systemic disease caused by the fungus Aspergillus niger. The disease is characterized by damage to both the skin and internal organs, which can lead to the development of infectious complications such as sepsis. Aspergillus is characterized by widespread virulence and the ability to form viable spores, preserving them in soil or unfavorable environmental conditions. By multiplying, spreading and destroying tissue, fungal spores