Nephrosclerosis Atherosclerotic

Atherosclerosis is a chronic lesion of the arteries from the outer lining and underlying tissue (intima of the arterial wall), which arise as a result of lipid metabolism disorders (primarily peroxidation of lipids and low-density lipoproteins, due to which hyperlipidemia develops), during which infiltration of the strip develops connective tissue base between the outer edematous layer of the wall and the inner intima lipids, which are predominantly bile acids, as well as their degradation products and components of cell membranes, compact thick smooth muscle and surrounding connective tissue (so-called sclerosis). A molecule of human lipoprotein plasma, which contains a lot of free cholesterol (up to 70 percent), monocytes, triglycerides, and phospholipids. The last phase of atherosclerosis - the formation of fatty plaques - occurs mainly in places where the blood vessels branch.