
Aspergillotoxicosis: understanding, causes and treatment

Aspergillotoxicosis is a rare disease caused by the toxic effects of a fungus of the genus Aspergillus. This type of toxicosis is associated with the release of mycotoxins, fungal metabolic products that can have a negative effect on the human body.

The Aspergillus fungus is widespread in the environment and can be found in soil, plant debris, food and air. It generally does not pose a health hazard, but some Aspergillus species are capable of producing mycotoxins that, if inhaled or eaten, can cause various pathological conditions in humans and animals.

Aspergillotoxicosis can occur with prolonged exposure to high concentrations of mycotoxins in the body. It can present with a variety of symptoms, including respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and damage to the liver, kidneys, and other organs. In some cases, aspergillotoxicosis can cause the development of cancer.

The causes of aspergillotoxicosis may be related to improper food storage, humidity and air pollution in enclosed spaces, as well as weakened immunity in people with certain diseases or who are immunosuppressed.

The diagnosis of aspergillotoxicosis can be difficult due to the variety of symptoms and their nonspecificity. It includes a clinical examination, examination of the patient's medical history, as well as laboratory and instrumental research methods, such as biochemical blood tests, bacteriological examination of sputum and tissue samples.

Treatment of aspergillotoxicosis depends on the severity of the disease and the patient's condition. Includes the use of antifungal drugs to kill fungi and mycotoxins, as well as symptomatic therapy to relieve symptoms and maintain organ function.

Preventing aspergillotoxicosis includes practicing hygiene measures such as proper food storage and preparation, keeping indoor areas clean, and strengthening the immune system through a healthy lifestyle and diet.

In conclusion, aspergillotoxicosis is a rare but serious disease caused by the toxic effects of the Aspergillus fungus. The release of mycotoxins by this fungus can lead to various pathological conditions in the body, including problems with the respiratory system, allergic reactions and damage to internal organs. The diagnosis and treatment of aspergillotoxicosis require a comprehensive approach and medical intervention. Preventing this disease involves maintaining hygiene measures and strengthening the immune system. However, it is important to remember that aspergillotoxicosis is a rare disease and most people are not at risk for it.

**Aspergillotoxicosis** (AS), and I also confuse aspergillus. AS is a disease that develops due to the consumption of food contaminated with mold fungi of the genus. It is also called “Fungal intoxication”.

The disease usually occurs in people suffering from diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and