
Asplenia is a congenital malformation in which one of the two main spleens located in the abdominal cavity is missing.

Asplenia can be either complete or partial. In the first case, the spleens are completely absent, and in the second, one or both spleens are reduced in size. Asplenia may be accompanied by other developmental abnormalities such as heart defects, neural tube defects, etc.

With asplenia, the spleen does not perform its main function - filtering blood and protecting the body from infections. This can lead to the development of various diseases such as infections, anemia, thrombosis, etc. Therefore, asplenia requires timely treatment and observation by a doctor.

Asplenia can be diagnosed using abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment of asplenia depends on its severity and concomitant diseases. In some cases, surgery is required to remove the spleen or part of it.

Overall, asplenia is a serious developmental abnormality that requires prompt identification and treatment.