Key Phenomenon

The keystroke phenomenon is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in some people under certain circumstances or conditions. This is not a disease or mental disorder, but rather can be considered a variant of normal human behavior. However, if it happens frequently and is not controlled, it can cause negative consequences.

The keystroke symptom is the most common manifestation. It occurs when people are under stress or experience severe anxiety. At such moments, they begin to press keys on the keyboard, monitor or mouse, which usually helps them calm down and focus on the task. This can sometimes be a physical symptom of stress, as pressing your fingers on a keyboard or mouse relaxes the muscles in your hands and arms, which can reduce feelings of fatigue and anxiety.

However, if keyboard syndrome becomes persistent and causes problems in work, school, or daily life, it may be considered a sign of an adaptive disorder. In addition, regularly pressing the same key can lead to "habit" and unwanted actions, similar to autopilot