
Gynecology is a medical science that studies diseases of women and girls, especially the female reproductive system. It is different from obstetrics, which deals with childbirth and newborn care.

Gynecological diseases include various pathologies that can occur in different parts of the female reproductive system. These can be diseases of the ovaries, uterus, vagina, mammary glands and other organs. Some of them can be dangerous to women's health, so timely contact with a gynecologist can prevent serious consequences.

A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases. He examines patients, collects anamnesis, prescribes additional studies and treatment. A gynecologist can also advise patients on pregnancy planning, contraception and sexual health.

In gynecology, various diagnostic and treatment methods are used. The main diagnostic methods are blood and urine tests, ultrasound, mammography, colposcopy and other research methods. Depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease, the gynecologist may prescribe conservative treatment, surgical intervention, or a combination of both methods.

In addition to treating diseases, gynecologists also conduct preventive examinations that help identify diseases in the early stages and prevent their development. It is recommended to conduct a gynecological examination at least once a year, even if there are no visible symptoms of the disease.

In conclusion, gynecology is an important medical science that deals with the health of women and girls. Regular gynecological examinations help identify diseases in the early stages and prevent serious consequences. If you suspect that you have gynecological diseases, do not put off visiting a gynecologist until later - seek help as soon as possible.

Gynecology, which means “the science of gynecology,” is the scientific study of the female reproductive system. This area of ​​medicine involves the study of the female reproductive organs, including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. The female reproductive system includes all processes associated with the production of eggs, fertilization