Pancarditis Rheumatic

Pancarditis Rheumatoid

Rheumatic pancarditis is an inflammatory lesion of the heart that occurs with rheumatic heart disease. Pancarditis is the most serious of all possible complications, which leads to disruption of the systemic and pulmonary circulation. As the disease progresses, serious problems arise in the body: impaired blood supply to tissues, lack of oxygen in the blood and other internal organs and tissues, damage to the inner lining of the heart.

The disease is accompanied by high body temperature up to 40 degrees Celsius, pulmonary edema, extensive damage to small and large vessels, heart deformation and post-infarction cardiosclerosis. The most severe pathologies in most cases are other valve defects. Affects the exacerbation of the disease in spring or autumn, characterized by a sharp rise in body temperature. When a diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment is prescribed, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs, as well as broad-spectrum antibiotics, depending on the cause of the disease. A feature of the disease is that hormonal drugs can be used in the treatment of rheumatic pancarditis.