
If you had the opportunity to travel to other planets and stars, what would you like to see? What should the atmosphere, climate, flora and fauna of distant worlds be like for you to feel comfortable living and traveling there? How would you interact with these worlds and what would you do with what you don’t understand? Can we use science to learn more about other cultures, even if we don't understand them?

We live in a Universe that is vast, unpredictable and infinite, it hides many secrets and mysteries. But what do we know about space, except that life and Earth exist in it? Astronomers have made amazing discoveries about galaxies, stars, black holes, galactic quasars and supernovae, but many people wonder: what does it all mean? Can psychology help us better understand the essence of the universe?

Astro is the science that studies the movement and arrangement of celestial bodies, including planets, stars and galaxies. The word "astro" comes from the Greek "astron" (star) and the Latin "astrum" (stars). Translated into Russian, “aster” means “star”. In astronomy, the term "astrology" was previously used to denote the science of studying the influence of celestial bodies on the destinies and behavior of people, and this term is obsolete. Astrology and astronomy originally had different fields of study, although there are now common themes of space exploration between them. Astronomy deals with measuring the laws of cosmic motions, astrology