Delirium of High Origin

Delusion of high origin is a type of delusion characterized by the presence of ideas that have content that is not inherent in a given individual. Delusional ideas usually do not correspond to reality and, as a rule, do not have a logical connection with the existing situation, environment and personality of the patient himself. Delusions can be fantastic in nature or specific and have a criminal bias. In some cases, themes from the religious, political or social life of the country are encountered. A notable feature of delirium is the presence of its spasmodic dynamics. It is characteristic that the emergence and increase in the content of delusional ideas are sudden. The onset of the disease can be characterized by absurd actions and ideas. In most cases, patients tend to hide their condition behind a mask of behavior close to normal psychological reactions. Sometimes the onset of the disease lasts several years. Slow development occurs in the chronic form of the disorder. During exacerbations, attacks of frantic excitement are observed. As a rule, this is accompanied by intense activity, which is interrupted as suddenly as it began. A feature of the course of delirium of high origin can be called the transition of episodes of mental activity into phases of subjective rest, when the patient becomes indifferent to the environment. Attacks of excitement are usually associated with some kind of psychotraumatic impact. In case if

Delusions of high origin are one of the types of schizophrenic delusions in which the patient has ideas that seem to flow from a higher rank, outside the everyday world. These ideas cannot be explained logically (they are not the result of any mental disorders, experiences, ideas, etc.).

Signs of delirium of high origin Character