Burkitt's Lymphosarcoma

Lymphatic granulomatous tumor is a malignant tumor with extracutaneous growth. Intracavitary lesions are rare, although they are sometimes accompanied by exanthematous or infiltrative lymphoma of the lymph node tissue. It is observed at any age, mainly in children under 5 years of age. The tumor is usually localized in the abdominal cavity, mediastinum and retroperitoneum.

It originates from germinal center cells surrounded by lymphoid tissue, the precursor of mature B lymphocytes. In approximately half of patients, the lymphocytic variant is combined with T-cell lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma.

Symptoms are non-specific - general malaise, moderate weight loss, sweating, lymphatic swelling. nodes, their soreness, fever; rashes, skin lesions, dyspepsia, tumor sac on the abdomen. Possible myxomas of the tongue and pharynx, as well as ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa with blood clots. Involvement of other organs is rare. Systemicity, rapid growth and invasive growth of the tumor are observed. Mortality ranges from 20 to 90% (average 70%). It is usually detected incidentally after rejection or resorption of lymphoma. Complications: intestinal obstruction, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, paraneoplastic thyroiditis, amyloidosis, hypertension.