Consciousness Hyperwaking

Hyperwaking Consciousness: Opening the Gates of Imagination

In the world of human consciousness research, there is a phenomenon known as "hyperwaking consciousness." This state is characterized by a combination of a facilitated flow of associations, unusual imagery and vividness of ideas, as well as increased, but unproductive activity of the thought process. This condition usually occurs after taking a large dose of certain psychostimulants. Let's take a closer look at this amazing phenomenon and its possible consequences.

A hyperwaking consciousness opens the door to the imagination and allows us to enter a world of unlimited possibilities. In this state, we witness a flow of thoughts that can be unpredictable, rich and exciting. Associations arise quickly and easily, and we can see connections between ideas that previously seemed unrelated. Visual images become bright and vibrant, capturing our imagination and allowing us to explore new dimensions of creativity.

However, despite all the attractive aspects, a hyper-waking consciousness can have its negative consequences. Although the activity of the thought process increases, it is often unproductive. We may feel a flow of ideas, but it is difficult to focus on one specific thought or complete what we start. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and dissatisfaction when we are unable to turn our ideas into concrete results.

Some people may seek a hyper-awake state by resorting to psychostimulants. However, it is important to understand that such substances have their own risks and may cause unwanted side effects. Additionally, the use of psychostimulants to achieve a hyper-awake state can lead to addiction and negative health consequences.

A hyper-awake mind can be a source of inspiration and creativity, but it is important to learn how to manage this state. Meditation, regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle can help us achieve a state of flow and unleash our creativity without the use of external stimuli.

In conclusion, hyperwaking consciousness is a phenomenon that can open up new horizons of thinking and imagination for us. However, it is necessary to approach this state with care and strive for balance and healthy ways of achieving flow of thoughts and creative activity. The ability to control our consciousness and find inspiration without the use of psychostimulants will help us achieve harmony in our creative life. The hyper-awake mind can be a doorway to new ideas and possibilities, but only with the right balance and awareness of our actions can we realize its full potential.

Super-waking consciousness is a combination of a facilitated flow of association, extraordinary imagery with vivid representation and increasing mental activity, especially in the field of abstract thinking. In some cases, this is an active dreamer with a tendency to move from one subject of thought to another, without an expressed desire to formalize his ideas. In all cases, they are characterized by increased vividness of imagination, vivid expressiveness, concreteness, clarity of presentation, and plasticity; fluidity of thinking with the imbalance of its processes (from intellectual products, sometimes very significant, to almost absurd ideas or superficial judgments). There are two types of hypervigilant consciousness with different etiologies: reactive hypervigilance is detected during observation after the action of large doses of certain hypnotic drugs (barbiturates) and neurostimulants (meprobamate, dexedrine, ephedrine), as well as endogenously (psychoses with hallucinatory-paranoid experiences). It is often caused by various focal brain lesions, long-term inflammatory processes, and hypertensive encephalopathy. In climacteric disorders, a hypervigilant consciousness is formed through the development of hyperventilation syndrome, which is combined with vegetative crises. Often accompanied by affective