Ligament of Eyelids Nasal

The nasal fold is a small fold of skin that forms between the nose and the top of the eye. It can occur in both children and adults, and is considered a normal variant. But changing its shape can also cause eye problems, such as severe fatigue or even pain when moving the eyeball. In order to return it to its original state, there is a special tool - the Vek Nasovaya ligament.

The Eyelid Nasal Ligament is a hand-held instrument for removing nasal eyelid folds. It is made of medical silicone and has a special shape that allows you to effectively eliminate this problem. This tool is very easy to use and does not cause discomfort. When using the Toe Ligament, it sinks under the skin and fixes the bridge of the nose, which allows you to create more space for the inside of the eyelids and