Men's Formula No. 2

"Male Formula - No. 2" is not just vitamins and minerals. This is a real medicine for the male body, created on the basis of modern technology and scientific research.

This formula contains active components necessary to maintain the health of the prostate gland and other organs of the male reproductive system. Vitamin and mineral complexes with medicinal herbs, manufactured in Russia, have a registration certificate from the Ministry of Health, proven quality and strict adherence to production standards.

Indications for taking "Male Formula - No. 2":

For men, maintaining the functional state of the prostate gland; Additional support with B vitamins, E, vitamin C and minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium and selenium); General strengthening agent for human health; Prevention of a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, moderate exercise, rest and a positive emotional attitude; Strengthening the immune system thanks to the presence of antioxidants