Mineralocorticoid hormone

Hormones of the adrenal cortex (corticosteroids) are a large group of steroid hormones of protein nature, whose hormonal effect is mainly associated with the effect on the metabolism of minerals and water, but also affects carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and the immune status of the body.

These include the following compounds (with the exception of aldosterone). For each individual hormone, its general chemical structure (right column), meaningful information about the amino acid sequence and structure of the hormone, known clinical effects, synthesis routes, biological functions, and mechanism of action and pharmacological properties are provided. Indications of relative and absolute biological activity are given in relation to the two most studied drugs most often used in treatment practice - hydrocortisone and corticosteroid binding globulin. Doses of drugs should not be calculated based on their activity. Even the structures of these two hormones are so different from each other that these drugs retain only relatively the same binding to chromatography chromatography columns. Relative biological activity is relative and can vary markedly between drugs, experiments, and biological entities. - Cortisol – hydrocortisone has the greatest activity