Astrocyte Obesity

I can suggest this version of the article under the heading “Astrocyte obese”:

Astrocytes are cells of the nervous system that form a sheath around neurons and support their functioning. They play an important role in regulating the metabolism between neurons and blood. But sometimes astrocytes have to work under conditions of increased stress, which leads to their hypertrophy (increase in size) and the development of obesity.

Astrocyte obesity is a pathological process characterized by an excessive increase in the size and volume of astrocytes, which is accompanied by disturbances in the function of the nervous system. This process can occur both due to insufficient blood supply to the brain and due to various disorders in the neural network.

Hypertrophy of astrocytes is expressed in an increase in their size and volume. This hypertrophy is mainly due to nuclear expansion, enlargement of the endoplasmic reticulum, and increased cytoskeletal activity. These changes lead to disruption of the integrity of the cell membrane, a decrease in its resistance to degenerative changes, disruption of the excretion of glucose and nutrient substrates, as well as increased secretion of a number of biologically active substances, such as nitric oxide. This, in turn, can lead to hypoxia, disruption of brain metabolism, a decrease in its functional activity, the appearance of seizures and loss of consciousness.