Asymmetry Chromatic

Chromatic asymmetry

Chromatic asymmetry is a color vision disorder in which the right and left eyes have different color perception. Such asymmetry can be observed in the form of a developmental abnormality or as a consequence of a previous disease in one eye.

With chromatic asymmetry, each eye perceives colors differently. One eye may see colors normally, but the other eye may see colors distorted. For example, one eye distinguishes all colors correctly, but the other confuses red and green.

The cause of chromatic asymmetry can be congenital abnormalities in the development of the visual analyzer or diseases suffered in childhood that damaged the retina or optic nerve of only one eye. Most often these are diseases such as rubella, measles, and meningitis.

Diagnosis of chromatic asymmetry is carried out using special tables, when each eye is tested separately. Treatment mainly involves the selection of corrective glasses and lenses. Complete restoration of color perception cannot be achieved.

Asymmetry Chromatic: Difference in color perception between the right and left eyes


Human vision is a complex and amazing system that allows us to perceive and interpret the world around us. However, like any other function of the body, the visual system can be subject to various disorders and abnormalities. One of these anomalies is chromatic asymmetry, in which the right and left eyes have different color perception. In this article we will look at this interesting anomaly and its possible causes.

Description of chromatic asymmetry

Chromatic asymmetry is a color vision disorder in which the right and left eyes perceive colors differently. This means that one eye may see colors that are brighter or dimmer, more saturated or less saturated than the other eye. This abnormality may be present from birth or develop as a result of disease or damage to one of the eyes.

Reasons for chromatic asymmetry

Chromatic asymmetry can have various causes. One of the most common is a developmental anomaly, where one eye forms and functions differently than the other. This may be due to genetic factors or intrauterine conditions that influence the development of the visual system.

In addition, chromatic asymmetry may be a consequence of a previous disease or damage to one of the eyes. Eye trauma, infection, inflammation or other diseases can affect the normal functioning of the visual system and lead to chromatic asymmetry.

Impact on human life

Chromatic asymmetry can have a significant impact on a person’s life. Firstly, different color perception can lead to a distorted perception of surrounding colors and visual images. This can make it difficult to perform color-sensing tasks, such as choosing clothing or distinguishing cues from important objects.

In addition, chromatic asymmetry can cause discomfort and even psychological problems in some people. They may feel strange or unsure because they perceive colors differently, especially if the anomaly is noticeable and raises questions from others.

Possibilities of treatment and correction

There is currently no specific treatment for chromatic asymmetry. However, in some cases where the abnormality is associated with certain diseases or injuries, treatment of the underlying condition may be possible, which may improve color perception. For example, in cases of infection or inflammation, the use of antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs may help restore normal eye function.

For some people with chromatic asymmetry but no underlying disease or damage, the use of optical aids such as glasses or contact lenses can help equalize color perception between the eyes. This is especially useful if the abnormality causes significant difficulties in daily life.

Additionally, psychological support and counseling may be helpful for people experiencing discomfort or emotional problems due to chromatic asymmetry. Professional counseling can help manage the psychological aspects of this abnormality and help people accept their unique color perception.


Chromatic asymmetry is an interesting color vision anomaly in which the right and left eyes have different color perception. This abnormality may be caused by a developmental abnormality or be the result of disease or damage to the eye. Although there is no specific treatment for this abnormality, certain measures, such as treatment of the underlying condition and optical assistance, can help improve color perception and improve the quality of life for people suffering from chromatic asymmetry. It is important to remember that each case of chromatic asymmetry is unique, and consultation with a medical professional can help determine the best approach to managing this anomaly.