Ataxia Locomotor

Locomotor ataxia: Causes and treatment of symptoms

Locomotor ataxia is a medical term that refers to a lack of coordination of movements. It manifests itself in balance and walking disorders, which can be caused by various reasons. In this article we will look at the main causes of locomotor ataxia, as well as methods for its treatment and prevention.

Causes of locanomotor ataxia

1. Parkinson's disease. The disease causes neuromuscular disorders and leads to a decrease in a person’s motor abilities. The main symptoms of ataxia: deterioration of coordination and balance, slow speech, tremor (shaking) and others.

2. Degenerative diseases such as

**Locomotor ataxia** (muscle wasting) is a condition that impairs the movement of muscles and limbs, causing a person to become clumsy or unsteady when walking, running, or other physical activities. This condition usually develops as a result of destruction of nerve fibers or damage to muscle tissue, leading to loss of muscle control. Attacks