
What is ataxia? Data reliability is critical for IT professionals. Cyberattacks with ransomware malware such as WannaCry have caused enormous damage. But cyber attacks of this type are not the only type of threat in this area. The lack or absence of adequate cybersecurity leads to serious problems. For example, ataxia is a common problem that can block the use of systems or applications. Some of them can be successfully dealt with using certain protective measures, but others can be more dangerous. It is important to understand what types of attacks cause ataxia, as well as how to prevent them, or at least mitigate them when an attack occurs.

What is Ataxia Ataxina - a violation of the coordination of movements of the human body. It occurs suddenly and leads to loss of balance and decreased physical performance. The cause of ataxia can be iatrogenic, for example, damage to the spinal cord, endocrine, vascular