Atrioventricular Canal

The atrioventricular canal (AV canal) is an opening in the septum between the atria and ventricles of the heart. It connects the right and left atria to the right and left ventricles.

The AV channel is about 10 mm long and about 4 mm wide. It is located on the posterior wall of the left atrium and is one of three openings in the septum that connect the atria to the ventricles of the heart (the other two are the foramen ovale and the mitral foramen).

Normally, the AV canal is closed by a valve that prevents blood from flowing back from the ventricles into the atria. However, in some cases, the AV canal may become patent, resulting in disruption of normal blood flow.

Patent AV canal occurs in 3-5% of the population and can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital AV tunnel usually presents in early childhood and may be associated with other cardiac abnormalities such as septal defects or valve abnormalities. Acquired AV tunnel most often occurs in adults and can be caused by various diseases such as rheumatism, infective endocarditis, coronary artery disease, or cardiac trauma.

Symptoms of a patent AV canal may include shortness of breath, palpitations, fatigue, dizziness, and other signs of heart failure. In more severe cases, heart failure, arrhythmia, or even sudden cardiac death may occur.

Treatment for patent AV canal depends on its cause and severity. Birth defects may require surgery to close the AV canal. Acquired defects are usually treated with medication or surgical correction, if necessary.

Thus, the AV canal is an important element of the normal functioning of the heart and its opening can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to undergo regular medical examinations and monitor your health to avoid possible heart problems.

Atrioventricular canals are special channels in the heart that connect the left atrium and ventricle. They are an anatomical structure that allows blood from the left atrium to flow into the ventricle of the heart. This process occurs due to the fact that through the channels of the atrioventricular nodes, the blood bypasses the valves and enters directly into the ventricles of the heart. This functional division ensures the efficient functioning of the whole organism and is one of the key elements in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, the atrioventricular canals also play the role of regulators of heart rhythm, which, if disturbed, can cause serious health problems. Disturbances in the functioning of these channels can lead to serious complications, such as arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia, etc. Therefore, the importance of proper functioning of the atrioventricular canal cannot be underestimated.

It is worth noting that for proper functioning, the atrioventricular system must be adjusted, for which it is necessary to engage in physical activity and monitor your diet. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the quality of heart function and undergo regular medical examinations.

It is important to understand that the health of the atrioventricular system is directly related to human health. If you do not monitor its operation or do not take preventive measures, then dangerous consequences may occur, such as serious heart disease, arrhythmias and heart attacks.