Atrophic Skin Stripes

We are all used to thinking that our skin is one of our body’s most reliable defenses from harmful environmental factors. But is this really so?

Today I want to talk about another unpleasant ailment of our skin, which is called atrophic stripes or striae atrophicae. This disease is a common cause of anxiety and disruption in the lives of many people.

What are atrophic stripes? These are deep cracks in the skin that can appear on any part of the body - from the face to the arms and legs. Sometimes these lesions look like an ordinary scar, but in fact they are the result of abnormal structural changes in the skin that occur after childbirth, exhausting stress, infections or serious illnesses.

In the initial stages, atrophic streaks may appear as small white or pink streaks, but over time they may become deeper and wider. In some cases, they begin to itch and become inflamed, causing pain.

There are many reasons for the development of atrophic stripes. They can be caused by various factors: excess weight, lack of collagen and elastin, hormonal imbalances, as well as malnutrition, poor nutrition and vitamin deficiencies.

If you are faced with atrophic stripes on your skin, do not delay their treatment. You should consult a doctor who will prescribe individual treatment for you depending on the cause of the disease. Treatment may include physical therapy, special creams and ointments, and sometimes surgery.

However, it is important to remember that atrophic stripes cannot be treated on their own. Here are some tips to prevent the appearance of atrophic lines