Atrophoderma Facial Reticularis

Atrophodergia reticularis is a painless skin disease manifested by papular and pustular rashes, in some cases turning into atrophic and pigmented scars. It appears when the skin on the face begins to dry out. This usually occurs after the skin has been scrubbed harder than usual. In rare cases, secondary bacterial or fungal infections may develop on the skin, causing the skin condition to worsen. In this article we will talk about what atrophoderma reticularis is and how to treat it. You will learn not only about the external manifestations of this disease, but also about the main causes of its occurrence and ways to combat it. The cause of reticular atrophodia is severe coarsening of the skin due to many years of exposure to it. Physical and chemical factors - ultraviolet rays, frequent and alcohol rubbing of the face, quartz procedures, frequent use of tonal products and the basis of xerous dermatitis becomes old skin

Unfortunately, reticular atrophy of the face manifests itself only visually. The patient may not feel any discomfort at all from the spots that appear on his face. Sometimes, in the presence of formed atrophy in the forehead area, patients complain of a decrease in the elasticity of the skin in this area of ​​the face. Atrophic areas may turn gray over time and over time the skin loses its firmness and elasticity takes on a lumpy appearance. Often this type of face can be seen in older people. Thus, based on the presented data, we can conclude that atrophoderma reticularis should not be left without due attention, since this problem can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences.