Atrophoderma vermiform

Vermiform atrophoderia: forms and causes, treatment

Atrophoderma vermiformis is also called chronic hyperplastic keratosis pilaris. This is a chronic inflammatory disease from the group of sclerosing lichenized multimorphic skin dystrophies. It develops mainly in older people, often in men. The disease does not have a very good aesthetic value, which causes them great discomfort. As a rule, such patients suffer from psychological disorders and social phobias. The main method of treatment is cryotherapy, the use of solutions of acetyl acid, kojic acid, salicylic acid in combination with antimicrobial agents, and the use of retinoic acid. It must be taken into account that the cause of this phenomenon may be endocrine diseases, inflammatory diseases of the large intestine and other chronic diseases. In any case, atrophy is related to a number of skin diseases and has its own characteristics of development and treatment.

Vermiform atrophoderma: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Atrophoderma vermiformis (also known as facial reticularis, vermiform acne, folliculitis reticulata erythematous or erythema cicatrix acne) is a dermatological disease that is characterized by the formation of specific rashes on the skin. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment methods of vermiform atrophoderma.

Atrophoderma vermicularis is caused by the presence of a special type of parasite on the skin known as Enterobius vermicularis or human parasitic worm. These parasites, or worms, live in the rectum and rectum area. Infection occurs through the ingestion of parasite eggs, which can fall on hands or household items due to insufficient hygiene. The eggs then enter the body through the mouth.

The main symptom of vermiform atrophoderma is severe itching in the anus. The itching is usually most noticeable at night, when female worms crawl towards the anal opening to lay eggs. Patients may also experience the following symptoms:

  1. Irritation and redness of the skin in the anus.
  2. Nervousness and anxiety.
  3. Brief episodes of abdominal pain.
  4. Restless sleep and sleep disturbances.

Treatment methods:
Treatment of vermiform atrophoderma includes several aspects aimed at destroying parasites and preventing reinfection. Below are the main treatment methods:

  1. Pharmacological treatment: In most cases, anthelmintic drugs are used to destroy parasites. They can be prescribed by a doctor in the form of tablets or syrup. Albendazole or mebendazole are often used.

  2. Hygiene: It is important to maintain strict personal hygiene behavior to prevent re-infection. It is recommended to regularly wash your hands with soap and water, especially after using the toilet, and trim your nails to reduce the risk of parasite eggs being captured.

  3. Environmental sanitation: Bedding, clothing and household items should be cleaned and washed regularly to remove parasite eggs. It is also recommended to periodically wet clean the premises, especially in areas with a high risk of infection.

  4. Prevention: Prevention measures are recommended, especially when one family member is infected. This includes regular examination and treatment of all family members, washing and sanitizing linen and household items, and teaching good hygiene.

In conclusion, atrophoderma vermiformis is a dermatological disease caused by infection by parasitic worms. It is characterized by itching in the anus and can cause discomfort in patients. Timely diagnosis and treatment, as well as strict adherence to hygiene rules, play an important role in successfully overcoming this disease. If you suspect vermiform atrophoderma, it is recommended to consult a doctor to obtain an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.