Atropinoshock therapy

Atropinoshock therapy: an effective method for treating some mental disorders

Atropine shock therapy is a method of treating certain mental disorders, which is based on the subcutaneous administration of atropine in doses that induce coma. This treatment method was developed in the early 1930s and has since been widely used in psychiatry.

One of the main advantages of Atropinoshock therapy is its high efficiency. This treatment method can lead to rapid and sustained improvement in the patient's condition, which speeds up the healing process and reduces the likelihood of complications.

Atropinoshock therapy is used in the treatment of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, bipolar affective disorder, as well as some other types of psychoses.

However, despite all its advantages, Atropine shock therapy also has its disadvantages. This treatment can cause serious side effects such as abnormal heart rhythm, high blood pressure, seizures and even respiratory failure. In addition, after Atropinoshock therapy, temporary disturbances in memory and orientation in space may be observed.

In general, Atropinoshock therapy is an effective method of treating some mental disorders, but its use should only be carried out under strict medical supervision and in specialized medical institutions.

Atropine shock therapy, or ATS, is one of the most powerful and effective therapies for mental disorders. It is used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders and other mental disorders. In this article we will tell you more about how ATC therapy works and what results it can achieve.

When performing ATS, atropine injections are made subcutaneously - through the skin into the subcutaneous tissue. The injection causes the patient to fall into a deep sleep - coma.

Scientists and mental health experts say that the coma state of ATS increases the brain's neuroplasticity, facilitating the repair of damaged neurons and strengthening neural connections. Thus