Audiometry According to Bekeshi

Bekesy audiometry is a method of measuring auditory perception that is used to diagnose and evaluate hearing loss. This method is based on the use of a special device - an audiometer, which allows you to measure the level of audibility in different frequency ranges.

One of the main advantages of Bekesy audiometry is its accuracy and high resolution.

Bekeshi audiometric test is a set of studies that includes an assessment of the patient’s auditory perception. This method is used to identify disturbances in the functioning of auditory receptors, which may be associated with various diseases and injuries of the auricle and brain.

Bekesy audiometry is based on the principle of recording acoustic signals. To carry out the test, special tools and devices are used. The principle of operation of these devices is to reproduce signals of various volumes and frequencies in order to determine their threshold sensitivity and perception by the patient.

The Bekesy test can be used for children from 3 years of age. In some cases, it can be carried out earlier if there is a suspicion of a hearing disorder in the infant. Listening to baby sounds at home can cause abnormal development of the child. Bekeshi testing helps determine how much a baby can hear by 6 months of birth.

The oral method can be either short (oral phrases) or long (determination of sound using a special apparatus). Diagnostics with gestures is necessary to assess the rhythm of speech and rhythmic structure. A separate category is memorizing sound codes, voice recognition tests, etc.

The purpose of using audiometry in medicine is to determine the causes of hearing loss, as well as to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. The test allows you to determine whether there is a hearing loss (deafness)

**Audiometry according to Bekeshi**

**Audiometry** is a medical test that is used to determine how well a person's hearing is functioning. During audiometry, the patient, sitting at a table or standing on another table, wears headphones or inserts sound sensors into the ear. Then the doctor