Aura Vegetative

Vegetative aura (a.vegetativa) is a concept that describes the energy field surrounding a person or object. This is energy that comes from the internal processes of the body and can be both positive and negative.

The vegetative aura has several characteristics. Firstly, it is dynamic and changeable. This means that its condition can change depending on the mood, emotions and physical conditions of the person. Secondly, it can be different for different people. Each person has his own aura, which reflects his personality and character.

The vegetative aura can have different colors. For example, green can mean health and harmony, while red can mean anger and aggression. It can also have different forms. For example, a circle shape can mean protection and security, while a square shape can mean stability and confidence.

In addition, the vegetative aura affects the physical condition of a person. If the aura is positive, it can help a person feel better and healthier. If the aura is negative, then this can lead to various diseases and health problems.

In order to improve your vegetative aura, you can use various methods. For example, you can do yoga or meditation to learn to control your emotions and thoughts. You can also try making lifestyle changes, such as eating healthy foods, exercising, and avoiding stressful situations.

Overall, the autonomic aura is an important aspect of our lives that can influence our physical and emotional state. Therefore, it is important to monitor your aura and try to improve it if necessary.