Autoimmunity reaction

The human body has a complex defense system against various external and internal threats, called the immune system. This system includes different types of cells and molecules that work together to detect and destroy anything that could harm the body.

However, sometimes this defense mechanism can get out of control and begin to attack one's own cells and tissues, resulting in an autoimmune disease reaction. This is a violation of the protective mechanisms in the human body, which leads to the production of antibodies called autoantibodies against its own cells and tissues. These au

An autoimmune reaction is a condition in which the body begins to attack its own cells and tissues. This occurs due to a violation of protective mechanisms and the production of antibodies (autoantibodies) against one's own cells. In this case, autoantibodies perceive their own cells as a foreign object and begin to attack them. This can lead to

As we know, in our body there is a constant struggle between the autoimmune reaction and antibodies that work for protection.

Once the virus has entered the body, antibodies begin to fight it. If the body fails to produce protective antibodies, an autoimmune disease begins. This occurs because the body’s own cells and tissues are perceived by the body’s defense system as foreign material, with all the ensuing consequences. The process that occurs during autoimmune reactions involves several stages. Namely: 1. Due to destroyed cells and defects resulting from the destruction, inflammation develops 2. There is a growth of antibodies that can “predict” and recognize diseases 3. Energy deficiency may develop, the issue of the functioning of the adrenal glands becomes relevant 4. The mechanism of tissue destruction is triggered organ 5. The functioning of the gland that controls the production of thyroid hormones may be impaired 6. Proteolytic enzymes, such as probiotics and various antimicrobial elements secreted by the cells of the digestive system, begin to work with the immune system 7