
It consists in the fact that the visual opening of the grape shell is wider than natural. Sometimes this happens after a headache or for some external reason - due to a bruise, fall or blow; and sometimes intishar occurs for reasons lying in the pupil itself, or in the proteinaceous moisture, or in the grape membrane, for if the protein becomes very moist and abundant, then it crowds the grape membrane and causes it to expand. Drying of the protein in itself does not cause intishar, but only as a side effect, since it is followed by drying of the grape skin.

As for the grape skin itself, if it dries out and shrinks to the edges, as perforated skins shrink when they dry, then it happens to it that the visual hole in it expands, just as the holes in the mentioned skins expand, especially if it is pressed by moisture. Sometimes intishar happens to the grape skin due to moisture that penetrates its substance: moisture increases its thickness and spreads it wider, thus expanding the visual opening. It happens that the intishar occurs from a stretching tumor that occurs in the grape membrane.

Sometimes a dilated pupil is this way from birth, and this harms vision, because the eye sees objects smaller than they should be visible, and sometimes the intishary is acquired. Sometimes the pupil becomes so wide that the eye sees nothing, for often the pupil dilates so much that the inner eye reaches the crown, and vision almost disappears. Intishar caused by a blow or bruise is incurable.

Treatment. Innate inflammation is incurable, but the intestine that is caused by dryness will be helped by moisturizing the eye with the already mentioned moisturizers. When dealing with moisture, it is useful to bleed if there is an abundance of it in the body; bleeding from the vessels of the inner corners of the eyes is also useful, which is a local emptying. Bloodletting from the temporal veins and cutting them, emptying with which you are already familiar, and pouring naturally salty or salted water on the head, especially mixed with vinegar, also helps. There is no need to perform laxative bowel movements too often, otherwise the patient’s strength will be weakened and the goal will not be achieved. Usually, one bowel movement every ten days with two and a half dirhams of kukiya pills is sufficient. And the food should consist of pea broth with sesame oil. The other eye is smeared with tutia so that its pupil does not dilate like the first. It is also necessary to use the ointments mentioned in the paragraphs on ghosts and cataracts.

Blood-sucking cups on the back of the head also help, because this draws the matter back from the eye. When inhaling from a blow, you need to pay attention to first bleed, then put blood-sucking cups on the head, and then apply cooling agents. They also make a medicinal bandage with flour from peeled horse beans or barley flour, moistened with an infusion of willow leaves or an infusion of chicory, or a bandage of wool dipped in egg yolk, beaten with rose oil and a little wine. You need to drip the blood of turtledoves and chickens into your eye. On the third day, milk is dripped into the eye and stronger ointments are used, but in general the treatment is mostly the same as for a hot tumor. In addition, an ointment is used from frankincense, saffron and myrrh, taken one part at a time, and arsenic - half a part. A useful remedy for mydriasis, that is, intishar, is as follows: take the bile of a kid and a crane, two mithqals each, saffron - one dirham, pepper - grains, licorice juice boiled until thick - five and two thirds of a mithqal, ushshak - two mithqals and honey as needed; A powder is made from these substances, ground with fennel juice and mixed with honey. When intishar from a blow, grind half a bowl of this medicine with squeezed radish juice until dry and consume it dry. Or take goat bile one misqal, dry feces of a uromastyx lizard or monitor lizard - one and a half miskal, soda - half a miskal, pepper and crane bile - two miskal each, saffron - one miskal, ushshak - half a miskal, white hellebore - one miskal, grind with fennel and mix with honey.