
Autolysis is a self-digestion process that occurs in the human body. It lies in the fact that the body's cells begin to break down and disintegrate under the influence of their own enzymes. This can be caused by various factors such as infections, injuries, tumors and other diseases.

Autolysis plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body. It helps remove old and damaged cells that can cause various diseases. In addition, autolysis can be used to treat certain diseases such as cancer.

However, if autolysis becomes too strong, it can lead to serious health problems. For example, intestinal autolysis may cause diarrhea and vomiting, which can lead to dehydration and other dangerous conditions.

To prevent autolysis, you need to monitor your health and consult a doctor if any symptoms appear. It is also important to eat right and exercise to maintain a healthy balance between autolysis and cell repair.

Autolysis is the destructive breakdown of body tissues, which is accompanied by contraction and subsequent destruction of the cells that form these tissues. The decay may be a reaction to trauma, inflammation, an abscess, or any other type of injury. Different body systems may be involved, such as bone tissue, which is involved in the process of growth and restoration of structures after fractures.

Autolysis can be observed not only during the process of formation of the organism. Some patients show signs of autolysis after surgery or in other cases. Symptoms of autolysis depend on the area of ​​the body. Side effects may include destruction of joint cartilage, soft tissue, bone, skin, and soft tissue. Autolysis accompanies many diseases, including chronic renal failure, diabetic polyneuropathy, chronic infectious diseases and others.

As a rule, autolysis occurs due to the fact that the cells of a given tissue are abnormal. This means an imbalance in the physiological balance of a given tissue type. The percentage balance of mature and maturing cells may suffer. In tissues where cell development and formation normally occur, there may be an accumulation of immature cells (hypoplasmy) or an excessively high level of them (hyperplasia). The consequences of these anomalies can be different, some can have a pathogenic effect, and autolysis processes are observed in them, while others do not, such as with myophagy.

Some forms of autolysis are mild and painless, but can cause problems