
What is autosynnoia?

Autosynoia is a concept that describes the process of introspection and reflection about one's life, goals, values ​​and beliefs. This concept was introduced into psychology by the American psychologist Erik Erikson, who considered autosynnoia as an important stage in personality development.

Erik Erikson believed that autosynnoia is one of the main stages of personal growth and development. He argued that a person goes through several stages of development, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics and tasks. One such stage is autosynnoia, which begins in childhood and continues throughout life.

At the autosynnoia stage, a person begins to think about his values, beliefs and goals. He begins to analyze his actions and actions, trying to understand what makes him happy and successful. In the process of autosynnoia, a person learns to make decisions based on his values ​​and beliefs, and not on the opinions of others.

However, autosynnoia can be complex and difficult for some people. Some people may be afraid to make decisions or don't know how to properly analyze their lives. In such cases, the help of a psychologist can be very useful.

In general, autosynnoia is an important stage in personality development and helps a person become more confident and successful in life.

Autosynnosia is a new, increasingly popular phenomenon among young people, which has nothing to do with alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictions that are not related to mental illness.

How to recognize an autistic person The human psyche and nervous system are designed in such a way that he is able to interact with his environment and the world around him exclusively through one of his senses. For example, he may perceive information through vision, hearing or touch, but understanding the value and meaning of this information may be a challenge for him.

If a person has one of the features of schizoid psychopathy - separation from reality, then one of the main signs is also not inherent in him. Such a person is in his fantasy. That is, this is a sequence of pictures and events from his head - visualization. And autism provides such an opportunity. Only completely in the opposite direction.

In a healthy autistic person, some brain functions work much faster than in the average person due to a certain type of genetic program that is difficult to correct. At the same time, he can control his behavior from infancy to adolescence, and in some children even into adulthood. True, from time to time there are manifestations of a form of “affect” (for example, a sharp cry for several minutes or seconds), but this can be found even in normal people during intense physical activity.

Autism is accompanied by increased sensitivity when interacting with the environment and is often seen as a manifestation of social indifference. Although sometimes people with autism seem naive and simple-minded, socially unacceptable, these children have enormous potential to develop into true innovative problem solvers.

Autosynnaya is the self-regulation of the mind, when a person independently solves his problems and finds answers to emerging questions. This is a natural process that helps us develop spiritually and physically. But often we get stuck in an endless cycle of doubt, make the wrong decisions and fail to achieve our goals due to lack of motivation and inspiration. This is where it comes