
An auxotroph is a type of microorganism that arises as a result of mutation and requires one or more special factors for its growth. These factors were not required by the original microorganisms, and their absence can lead to a strong or complete cessation of the growth of auxotrophic microorganisms.

Auxotrophy is a hereditary property that is associated with the inability to synthesize certain components necessary for the growth and development of microorganisms. These components can be amino acids, vitamins, nucleotides or other essential microelements. Auxotrophic microorganisms cannot grow on minimal media, which are usually used for the cultivation of normal microorganisms. Instead, their growth requires specially prepared media containing all the necessary components.

Auxotrophy can be either a natural or artificial phenomenon. Natural auxotrophy occurs as a result of gene mutations and can lead to different forms of auxotrophy. For example, a mutation in the gene responsible for the synthesis of a particular amino acid can lead to auxotrophy for that amino acid. Artificial auxotrophy can be created through mutagenesis and various genetic engineering methods.

Auxotrophy is widely used in biological research, especially in genetics and molecular biology. It can be used to study the role of certain genes and proteins in the growth and development of microorganisms. Auxotrophy can also be used to create mutant strains that can be used in the production of biologicals, pharmaceuticals, and other products that require specific microorganisms for their production.

In conclusion, auxotrophy is an important property of microorganisms that can be used to study their growth and development, as well as to create mutant strains with desirable properties. This property has wide application in biological research and industry, and its study continues to be an active area of ​​scientific research.

Auxotrophs - a new word in biology

Did you know that there is a certain type of microorganisms that arose as a result of mutation and require the use of various factors for their life? These special types of microbes are called auxotrophs (literally from Greek, “growing in the presence but unable to grow on their own”), and they are of considerable scientific interest. In this article we will talk about auxotrophs and their applications in biology and medicine, as well as how they arise and how they can be used.

**Origin of auxotropism**

When a mutation occurs in microorganisms, there is a need for growth factors that were not there before. These factors can be completely different: chemical compounds, trace elements, cofactors, plasmids, proteins or other cells of the body or animal. Some microorganisms may require only one of these factors, while others require all of them. Typically, these substances are associated with the term "auxotropes". This type of organism got its name from the name of the type “auto”, which comes from the Greek “independent growth”. For example, many strains of bacteria can only grow in a medium containing a specific biocatalyst called a nitrogen carrier. Some species of auxotropic bacteria use carbohydrates or amino acids for their metabolism. After mutation, the organism gains the ability to consume certain substrates, such as nitrates, that were absent in the original strain of bacteria. This can lead to the creation of a new species of bacteria that will grow rapidly if supplied with these factors. In addition, mutations may occur directly in the genetic material of the body, resulting in changes in genes that were previously responsible for enzymatic activities associated with obtaining certain factors from the environment. This makes the cell more dependent on them. Typically, the mechanism of autoxemia is associated with a violation of DNA repair, when a mutation in the DNA molecule leads to the formation of incorrect bases, due to which either the chromosome becomes less effective in its function, or a new point of mutation arises. As mutations accumulate, bacteria can grow into a new organism that no longer has the necessary capabilities, but continues to function in the same way as the original organism. This growth is called "auxis".

Most auxotrophs are either dangerous pathogens or are of significant interest to the agricultural industry. A special example is auxotrophic yeast, which is used in the food industry to ferment sugar into ethyl alcohol. Such yeasts are sensitive to certain inorganic acids, especially hydrogen acid. Yeast has the ability to measure its presence in drinking water or other foods using special protein receptors. When these droplets of the substance are detected, the yeast cell activates enzymes in its cytoplasm, which stops growth and converts the sugar containing product. However, bacteria need hydrogen acids to ferment sugar, so some yeast strains are also auxotropic. It is interesting to note that many auxotrophies occur under the influence of artificially created environmental conditions, such as petrochemical products. It is important to note that such properties can be used


Auxotrophies are microorganisms that require specific nutrients or an environment to grow and develop. They can arise when mutations develop in the genome of the original bacterium. In this article we will look at what auxotrophy is, its role in medicine and nature, as well as ways to define and control this phenomenon.

What is this?

Based on our understanding of genetics and molecular biology, the presence of certain enzymes and metabolic pathways that provide only specific nutrients may be a promising failure in the creation of functional biological systems. Auxotrophic organisms provide interesting cases of genetic modification, demonstrating the phenomenon of natural selection.

In nature and ecosystems, especially those without obvious food resources, auxotrophites are important components of ecosystems. For example, some species of yeast organisms obtain energy only from light, which is why they have a certain enzyme in their DNA that allows them to use this energy source. Without this enzyme they will be unable to reproduce.