Auto interviewer

AutoInterviewer - a new technology in the world of the auto industry

Auto-Interview is an innovative technology that allows you to conduct interviews with drivers and passengers in real time. It is based on the use of special sensors and cameras that are installed in the car and allow recording video and audio data.

Auto Interviewer is an indispensable tool for automakers and auto dealers who want to find out what their customers think about new car models. The technology allows you to conduct surveys and ask questions to help determine which features and characteristics are most important to drivers and passengers.

In addition, AutoInterviewer can be used to analyze driver behavior on the road, which helps improve safety and reduce the number of accidents. For example, the technology can detect when a driver begins to fall asleep behind the wheel or when he is exceeding the speed limit.

One of the main advantages of AutoInterviewer is that it allows you to conduct surveys in real time, which makes it possible to obtain more accurate and relevant data. In addition, the technology allows surveys to be conducted in different languages ​​and in different regions of the world, making it universal and accessible to everyone.

Overall, Auto Interviewer is an important tool for the auto industry to gain insight into customer needs and preferences, as well as improve road safety and reduce accidents.

Car interviewers are special devices that are used in car production or in service centers. What exactly is this device used for?

Car interviewers are designed to control the quality of various parts and processes that include the final assembly of a car. Quality assessment systems are typically connected to the vehicle's engine and control system on the wiring and wiring side. Diagnostic devices monitor the condition of the engine along the way, conduct an examination of transmission oils and body parts using the conventional spectrum method in passive mode. Based on data from device testing, further decisions are made regarding vehicle maintenance or preparing them for sale. Important data for users is shown by a special department “Maintenance and Test Management System” (SDT).

The most popular cars tested with an auto diagnostic tool during courses include Audi, BMW, Skoda, Volkswagen and