Bacteriological Mattress

A bacteriological mattress is a flat bottle that is used to obtain a large amount of bacteriological culture on the surface of a solid nutrient medium. It has standard dimensions (22.175 cm) and is designed for repeated use.

The bacteriological mattress is an important tool in the laboratory where the analysis of bacteria and other microorganisms is carried out. It allows you to obtain a large amount of culture on the surface of the nutrient medium, which is necessary for research and diagnosis of various diseases.

To use a bacteriological mattress, it is necessary to place it on the surface of the nutrient medium and fill it with sterile water or other solution containing the necessary nutrients. Next, add a culture of the bacteria or microorganisms you want to test and leave the mattress for several hours or days until a sufficient amount of culture is obtained.

After obtaining a culture, it can be analyzed, for example, to determine its properties, activity and sensitivity to various antibiotics. The bacteriological mattress can be used repeatedly, which makes it cost-effective and convenient for use in the laboratory.

In general, a bacteriological mattress is a necessary tool for analyzing bacteria and other microorganisms; it allows you to obtain a large amount of culture and conduct research with high accuracy and efficiency.

A bacteriological laboratory is a special center where microbiological studies of various samples are carried out, including soil, water, blood, food, air, etc. For this, various chemical and biological reagents are used, as well as special instruments and apparatus.

A bacteriological mattress is one such tool that is used to create optimal conditions for the growth and reproduction of bacteria. It is a flat bottle, the size of which is approximately 22x17.5 cm. The bacteriological mattress has two surfaces - internal (backing) and external. The substrate is made of a special material that prevents the growth of foreign microorganisms. The outer surface is made of plastic, which makes it easy to clean and disinfect.