Ballistocardiographic Index

Ballistocardiography is one of the methods for studying the cardiovascular system, which allows you to evaluate the functioning of the heart and its valves. One of the indicators determined using ballistocardiography is the ballistocardiographic index.

The ballistocardiographic index is the ratio of the minimum amplitude of one of the segments of the systolic complex (I-J or J-K) of the ballistocardiogram to the maximum amplitude of the same segment in the same patient. Normally, this index is 0.4-0.6, but if myocardial contractility is impaired, it can decrease to 0.1.

When determining the ballistocardiographic index, it must be taken into account that it may vary depending on the patient’s body position at the time of the study. Therefore, before conducting the study, it is necessary to make sure that the patient is in a supine position with legs and arms extended, and the head should be elevated 30-45 degrees.

A decrease in the ballistocardiographic index may indicate impaired contractility of the left ventricle of the heart, which may be associated with various diseases, such as myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, arterial hypertension, etc.

In general, ballistocardiography is an important method for studying the cardiovascular system, allowing one to evaluate the functioning of the heart, its valves and blood vessels. The ballistocardiographic index is one of the indicators that can be used to diagnose various heart diseases.

The ballistocardiographic index characterizes the ratio of the amplitudes of various parts of the valor function of the heart. A ballistic cardiogram is a graphical representation of the functions of individual chambers and the heart as a whole.

Using this index, you can evaluate myocardial contractility over time. Normal values ​​vary from 0.1 to 0.6, and it is this limit that determines the physiological state of the myocardium and has a negative impact on a person’s well-being. To quantify contractility, you need to do the following manipulations:

- measure the amplitude of the I-J segment - this is the minimum change in the pressure pulse in the left ventricle. - do the same with the segment J-K - this is the maximum