Piportil L4

Piportil is a powerful antipsychotic that is used to treat various types of psychotic disorders such as chronic schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia and hebephrenia. This is a phenothiazine derivative drug designed to combat anxiety and depression.

Until recently, Piportil was one of the most effective antipsychotic drugs, but caused serious side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and sexual dysfunction. However, in 1994, restrictions were placed on its production because it was discovered that it could cause agranulocytosis in some patients. However, Piportil is still widely used in some countries around the world, including France and Spain.

Piportil production is carried out in France and Spain in the laboratories of the pharmaceutical companies Rhone-Poulin Rohrer and its branches. The company says its drug is effective in controlling mental disorders.

Depending on the country where the drug is purchased, its cost may vary. The cost of one bottle of Piportil is about $30,00-$40,00, depending on the dosage and manufacturer.

Piportil is a drug that belongs to the group of antipsychotics - derivatives of the phenothiazine series. It was developed in France and Spain by the Rhone-Poulenec companies. Thanks to its unique formula, it is believed to have an antipsychotic effect, which is used to combat chronic psychoses, deficient and paranoid forms of schizophrenia and other similar conditions. The medicine is part of a group of drugs that are prohibited for sale without a prescription and should only be used on the recommendation of a doctor. This remedy has a number of serious contraindications. In particular, Piportil cannot